Eula McGill Interview 17

Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library
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00:00:00 - Southern Summer School for Women Workers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: Um I came across a report that Louise Leonard McLaren wrote in '37, she was traveling through the South, talking to people and trying to recruit students for the Southern Summer School for Women Workers.

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses her feelings about the Southern Summer School for Women Workers, workers education, union organzing

Keywords: Eula McGill; union organizing

Subjects: New Deal (1933-1939); Women in the labor movement; Women textile workers

00:07:08 - Organizing after World War II

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: Well I wanted to just talk about some of the campaigns you were involved in after World War II.

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses her work as labor organizer in the post-war era.

Keywords: Eula McGill; union organizing

Subjects: Textile workers--Labor unions; Women in the labor movement; Women labor leaders

00:16:46 - Violence During Organizing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: Now that '47 campaign was the time which you and Mary Martin--


Segment Synopsis: Eula discusses being threatened by a mob while organizing in Tennessee.

Keywords: Eula McGill; picket lines; union organizing

Subjects: Rural-urban migration; Strikes and lockouts--Textile industry; Textile workers--Labor unions

00:29:33 - Organizing Tate and LaFollette

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: Now this whole Tate campaign, in Knoxville, that was unsuc-- you never got a contract.

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses two union organizing drives, one for the Tate campaign and the second was the LaFollette campaign. In regards to the LaFolltette Campaign, McGill discusses some of the difficulties.

Keywords: Eula McGill; union organizing; violence during the strike

Subjects: Labor unions--Organizing; Textile workers--Labor unions; Women labor leaders

00:59:50 - Opposition against the union

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: Did you get any support from the churches like that in any of --


Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses opposition that she faced during her organizing campaigns.

Keywords: anti-union sentiment in the South

Subjects: Church

01:03:13 - Amalgamated Conventions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: I noticed that the '46 Amalgamated Convention was in Atlanta.

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses her call for continuing organizing in the South at a union convention in the 1940s.

Subjects: Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union; Textile workers--Labor unions

01:07:02 - Labor Legislation and its Impact on Organizing.

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: What effect did the Taft- Hartley Act-- I guess it was '47, '48 --

EULA MCGILL: Let me see I got a list

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discuses the impact of closed and open shops on organizing, the impact of Right to Work laws

Keywords: union organizing

01:12:48 - Communism and the Unions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: You went back on staff as an organizer in '52--

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discusses going back to work as a professional organizer, the impact of red scares on union organizing, whether she enjoyed being an organizer or business agent,

Keywords: union organizing

Subjects: Labor unions and communism; Labor unions--Officials and employees; Labor unions--Organizing

01:20:36 - Life on the Road

Play segment

Partial Transcript: JACQUELINE HALL: What were the states you were in charge of?

Segment Synopsis: Eula McGill discuses where her work as a union organizer and business agent has taken her.

Keywords: Eula McGill

Subjects: Women in the labor movement; Women labor leaders